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The Beginning, as written by Jonathan

Deanna and I met on a snowy winter night, January 2, 2014. At the time, I was living in Baltimore, and Deanna in Annapolis. Over the next few years,  I would do the 40 minute drive between B'more and Naptown often, but that night, fighting a major snow storm, the drive took me about 1.5 hours. Always the pragmatist, Deanna considered calling to cancel, but (perhaps sensing it was going to be a special night) did not. Our date started at Lures Bar & Grill in Crownsville, but we weren't there long before we were asked to leave because of the heavy snow storm outside. Undeterred, Deanna suggested a place that she knew to never close - McGarvey's. And it was there over a couple drinks that our relationship started. We had a wonderful time talking and laughing and sharing stories. I have a very specific memory of a look she gave me while chatting. I could tell she liked me, and I knew I really liked her too. We were almost immediately inseparable, and by February, we were planning trips, buying concert tickets, and spending as much time together as we could. We like to joke that our relationship skipped the awkward beginning phase, where you're not sure if the other person is as interested as you are. We both knew we were head over heels, and by Valentine's Day, we were in love.

The Proposal, as written by Deanna

It happened in a dark alley... we had one of our first kisses in this particular alley, and every time we walk by it while downtown we make a point to make a quick stop at "our alley." By the time he officially proposed, we had actually been talking about and planning the wedding for the past month or so in secret. The day he proposed, we had plans to go downtown and see a local band at the bar (that band is now playing at our wedding!). We showed up early and decided to roam around downtown to kill time. Jonathan suggested going to our alley, and I complained, "but it's so farrrr away," but realizing we had over 30min I caved. When we got to the alley, there was a guy standing in there with a garbage bag (he looked like a bum!), so we just walked through and headed to the bar. While I'm ordering drinks, J says to me, "I'm really hot. I'm taking my coat to the car. I can take yours too," and I reply, "no, I want mine. Wait, you're leaving me?" He replied, "you can come with me." With a confused face, I said "I just ordered drinks. How am I supposed to go with you?" So he stays wearing his jacket (and sweating) the entire night. We end up staying until the bar closed, and while we are driving home, J suggests we try the alley one more time. After the couple drinks I had at the bar, I more easily agreed this time. We get to the alley again and this time it's empty! He then starts going into a speech he memorized, and I'm just giggling the whole time. He explains that the ring is not ready yet, but he's tired of waiting to be engaged. So instead, he bought me a companion necklace to go with the ring that will be done soon. They're both custom designed :) Once we get home I realize that the reason he was all concerned about his jacket was that because of the alley bum he ended up having to keep the necklace box in his jacket pocket the entire night!

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